Upon further reflection today, we think we’ve been a little too harsh on our assessment of Representatives Cleaver and Clay. Yeah, we’ve criticize the fact that they’ve distinguished themselves as permanent backbenchers that leadership can depend on for easy votes. Occasionally they vote against leadership. Last week they voted against lobbying reform– a vote they’ll never have to explain back home.
We’ve also criticized the moral inconsistency of a preacher of the Gospel voting against parental notification for minors seeking an abortion. It seems the only press Congressman Clay can get is talking about the pain of his adult braces or defending his interns.
Congressman Clay is at least looking out for his Iranian constituents too. According to the National Council of Resistance of Iran – Foreign Affairs Committee website. Clay participated in a demonstration recently across from Capitol Hill in Washington. Organizers say the demonstration was to “commemorate the mass execution of 30,000 political prisoners in 1988 in Iran, and to protest the barbaric executions of youth and teenagers by the mullahs’ regime.”
Supporting the demands and goals of the demonstration, Congressman Clay said:
“We should thank you that you have come here today to let the world hear by your cries your opposition to Iran’s dictatorship. In Congress and the senate, we are trying to push for establishing a democratic Iran, and your supports and staging rallies like today backs our endeavors too.”
Mr. Congressman, protesting the mass executions of 30,000 people twenty years ago is appropriate and honorable. The Missouri Political News Service would like to see you demonstrate and protest the fact that “Iran’s dictatorship” is supplying insurgents in Iraq with sophisticated IED’s to kill and maim our soldiers.
The Source: “Democrats Clay and Cleaver – An Ethical Quagmire”
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