"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." -- Mahatma Gandhi
March, 2011 | Missouri Political News Service

Entries from March 2011

Guest Commentary: Politics, Religion, and Money

March 31st, 2011 · No Comments

This commentary was submitted by one of our readers and Facebook friends. If you have a submission or political gossip you’d like to share, drop us a line at editor@mopns.com By Justin Lindsey  I remember the days when I would be in the bar with my friends and we agreed to the rule that Religion, […]


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St. Louis Louis Local Control Foe on ‘Right to Work’

March 31st, 2011 · No Comments

By Sen. Maria Chappelle Nadal The Missouri Chamber of Commerce drafted its wish list for big business prior to the 2011 legislative session – six items the Chamber said would make Missouri more competitive in the state’s efforts to attract jobs and industry. While it is highly questionable that reducing the minimum wage or making […]


Tags: MO Legislature · St. Louis

McConnell To Dems On Their Tea Party Attacks: Reducing Spending and Debt Isn’t ‘Extreme’‏

March 31st, 2011 · No Comments

Politico writes this morning, “Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell welcomed tea party members protesting in Washington in a Thursday morning floor speech in which he called the movement’s aim to cut federal spending ‘pretty reasonable.’ Just a day after Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) lambasted the tea party for pulling the GOP away from deal-making […]


Tags: Uncategorized

Obama Sets Goal Of Importing Less Oil Yet His Admin Prevents Domestic Production And Encourages Imports From Brazil

March 30th, 2011 · No Comments

The Washington Post reports, “President Obama on Wednesday called Wednesday for a one-third cut in oil imports by 2020, part of a plan he says will reduce U.S. dependence on foreign petroleum. . . . Most facets of his proposals are familiar. . . . Obama also urged oil companies to make greater use of […]


Tags: Uncategorized

Quote of the Day: Rep. Jamilah ‘Niecey Williams’ Nasheed: ‘Domestic Violence is Self Inflicted’

March 30th, 2011 · No Comments

St. Louis Whirl WTF!!!! New found Mayor Francis Slay ally Rep. Jamilah ‘Niecey Williams’ Nasheed has some ‘xplaning to do! Related: Video: Nasheed: “Slay has continued to play racial politics in the city of St. Louis.” Hat tip:adfrench [kml_flashembed movie=”http://www.youtube.com/v/S2uafWFN9xo” width=”425″ height=”350″ wmode=”transparent” /]


Tags: Mayor Mark Funkhouser · Picture/Quote of the Day · St. Louis

Video: L.K. ‘Chip’ Wood Exposes Democrat’s Tactics to Destroy His Reputation

March 30th, 2011 · No Comments

Hat tip: StlPatchW [kml_flashembed movie=”http://www.youtube.com/v/b3kUUCPOI4o” width=”425″ height=”350″ wmode=”transparent” /] Related: KMOX.com: New Flap Over Family Connection in Assessor Race Son of Dooley Consiglieri Lands 70K County Patronage Job – During Hiring Freeze!


Tags: STL County Executive Charlie Dooley · Videos

Quote of the Day: “Neicey Williams aka Rep. Jamillah Nasheed is a Hypocrite”

March 29th, 2011 · No Comments

“Niecey Williams” aka Rep. Jamilah Nasheed with then presidential candidate Hillary Clinton The local control situation in St. Louis is really getting out of control with anonymous rumors and accusations being thrown around in disreputable newspapers better know for reporting stories like, “Pookie shot Little Red over a bag of crack.” We’ll have a few […]


Tags: Mayor Frances Slay · MO Legislature · St. Louis

Will Dems Take Opportunity This Week To Block EPA And Protect Jobs?

March 29th, 2011 · No Comments

Speaking on the floor this morning, Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell gave a reminder that even with the crises around the world that demand attention, we cannot also lose sight of the important issues at home. “Now is not the time to lose focus on the paramount issue on the minds of most Americans today […]


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Video: Dr. Gina on Libya

March 29th, 2011 · No Comments


Tags: Videos

Video: Bill Hennessy on Lobbying: ‘Why Gary Wiegert’s Great for STL TEA Party Coalition’

March 28th, 2011 · No Comments

Hat tip:whennessy [kml_flashembed movie=”http://www.youtube.com/v/TyGTKFm1Mrc” width=”425″ height=”350″ wmode=”transparent” /]


Tags: St. Louis · Videos