"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." -- Mahatma Gandhi
August, 2010 | Missouri Political News Service

Entries from August 2010

Where Would Iraq Be Today If We Listened To Democrats In 2007?

August 31st, 2010 · No Comments

According to today’s New York Times, “For only the second time since he took office, President Obama  will speak to the nation from the Oval Office on Tuesday night, in an address meant to convey that he has kept one of the central promises of his campaign: withdrawing American combat troops from Iraq.” But, The […]


Tags: Iraq War

Quote of the Day: “Darn That Stupid TARP! Er, Sorry, Bro.”

August 31st, 2010 · No Comments

Since Robin now feels it’s necessary to throw her brother Russ under the bus to win an election, we thought we’d help her by highlighting Russ’s profligate spending with an excerpt from a 2008 post: “Carnahan, who was elected in 2004, has managed to pass two bills while in Congress; an arterial road in Jefferson […]


Tags: Carnahans' · Picture/Quote of the Day · Rep. Russ Carnahan

Picture(s) of the Day: Republican County Executive Candidate Attends Missouri Black Expo

August 30th, 2010 · No Comments

Related: Additional pictures


Tags: Picture/Quote of the Day

A Tip for the FBI: Casino Licences, Dooley & Temporiti

August 30th, 2010 · No Comments

A tip for the FBI agents who are rumored to be investigating St. Louis County Executive Charlie Dooley and the pay-to-play racket in St. Louis: look at Dooley’s stance on putting another casino in St. Louis County. With gaming applications due to be submitted with the Missouri Gaming Commission this week, people continue to speculate […]


Tags: STL County Executive Charlie Dooley

Bleak Prospects For Cap-And-Tax Leave Green Groups Lamenting, “We’re Losing”

August 30th, 2010 · No Comments

The Washington Post writes today, “On Thursday, some of the country’s most respected environmental groups – in the midst of their biggest political fight in two decades – sent a group of activists to Milwaukee with a message. We’re losing. . . . A year ago, these groups seemed to be at the peak of […]


Tags: Uncategorized

Obama Admins’ Failed Policies; Intel CEO: “Jobs Will Not Be Created Here”

August 27th, 2010 · No Comments

The Obama administration has spent much of the week touting their failed $862 billion stimulus bill, but there’s been little to celebrate in what the White House wanted to call “recovery summer.” The AP reports on the latest disappointing economic news today: “The economy grew at a much slower pace this spring than previously estimated, […]


Tags: Uncategorized

Poll: Sowers Headed for a Thrashing in November

August 27th, 2010 · No Comments

Graphic:ky3.com Wow, 17%! This has to be really embarrassing for the Sowers campaign, especially for high price consultant David Woodruff. Another one of Woodruff’s clients,14th district state senate candidate and former University City mayor Joe Adams was soundly routed in the recent primary by Sen-elect Maria Chappelle Nadal. It seems 8th district voters aren’t fooled […]


Tags: Uncategorized

Americans Aren’t Feeling The “Summer Of Recovery”; AP: “It’s Starting To Feel Like Another Recession”

August 26th, 2010 · No Comments

Karl Rove writes in his Wall Street Journal column today, “In what will rank as one of the all-time presidential PR disasters, we’re now well over half way through what the White House called ‘the summer of recovery.’ And what a recovery it’s been.” Indeed, an AP story from last night declared, “It’s starting to […]


Tags: Uncategorized

Quote of the Day: Sen. Wright-Jones: “Charlie Dooley Let Down the Home Team”

August 26th, 2010 · No Comments

It was announced yesterday that Chesterfield Mayor John Nations was chosen to lead the St. Louis area’s Metro transit agency. According to the city’s African American newspaper, The St. Louis American, the choice is not sitting well with leaders. Taking especially harsh criticism is St. Louis County’s African American executive Charlie Dooley: Among those singing […]


Tags: STL County Executive Charlie Dooley

Yet Another Broken HealthCare Promise: AP: 3M Seniors Could Be Forced To Switch Drug Plans

August 26th, 2010 · No Comments

Since President Obama signed his massive, unpopular health care overhaul into law earlier this year, there has been a steady stream of news reports showing that it will not be able to live up to the promises made by Democrats as they were pushing the bill. Americans have heard now that the bill won’t slow […]


Tags: Healthcare