"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." -- Mahatma Gandhi
April, 2007 | Missouri Political News Service

Entries from April 2007

Obama’s Plan For Missouri

April 30th, 2007 · No Comments

An Obama campaign goof has resulted in the expose of the freshman Senator’s plans to coddle some of Missouri’s most established politicians. Read Newsweek’s piece on Obama’s gaffe and ethics slip here. 


Tags: Decision '08

Blunt Still Pushing For MU Hospital

April 30th, 2007 · No Comments

It looks like the Ellis Fischel Cancer Hospital might actually see the light of day after all. The Columbia Tribune reports: Gov. Matt Blunt is giving new life to a $31.2 million project for Ellis Fischel Cancer Hospital stripped from a higher education funding bill making its way through the legislature. Blunt plans to include […]


Tags: Matt Blunt · Sen. Chuck Graham · Sen. Jolie Justus

Casinos Oppose Loss Limit Elimination?

April 30th, 2007 · No Comments

Much to the dismay of the Missouri Gaming Association the bill that eliminated the $500 loss limit rule came with a $49 million dollar price tag. Gambling opponents, Sens. John Loudon and Matt Bartle-who know whats best for you-attatched a hefty $49 million tax increase on casinos to the bill. So, in a remarkable turn […]


Tags: Gaming · MO Legislature · Sen. John Loudon

Bearden Speaks At Thompson Rally

April 30th, 2007 · No Comments

House Speaker Pro Tem, Carl Bearden, voiced his support for a Fred Thompson presidensy at a pro-Thompson rally in Tennessee today. Thompson has yet to declare his candidacy but is expected to make a decision by June.


Tags: Carl Bearden · Decision '08

MOHELA Moving Forward

April 28th, 2007 · No Comments

Can we finally say goodbye to the most nauseating debate going on at the capital? Looks likely. After much controversy and budget cuts made by subnormal legislators who felt it was more important to lobby on behalf of a defaulted type of research than fund education, the Lewis and Clark Initiative is one step closer to the Governor’s […]
