I have to admit I find no particular pleasure in writing this piece. I am usually the eternal optimist. Hell, I’ve been a member of my local Optimist International club for over seventeen years now! No matter how dark the circumstances have been in my life, my faith in God and sincere belief HE will show me the correct path has always sustained me through my most trying times.
I still believe that with all my heart but my consternation lies solely in what I see currently happening in our country. I know this is not the first time our country has experienced societal unrest and change. I was born in the mid 1960’s so I wasn’t yet alive during the assassinations of President Kennedy, Malcolm X or Medgar Evers.
And I was far too young to remember the assassinations in 1968 of Robert F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr. and the ensuing riots that occurred afterwards in inner cities all around the country. Back then, the culture war was still in its infancy, and America was still a country that overwhelmingly believed in God, Family and Country – no matter where your personal beliefs fell on the political spectrum. God, Family and Country were the three bedrock principles that a melting pot of diverse people depended on to keep our society cohesive and orderly.
Today, those bedrock principles have been jackhammered by activist courts, the so called “woke” generation who sadly have been indoctrinated in their public schools and colleges by the 1960’s culture warriors, and by the Democrat(ic) Party which long ago sold out America and their principles for political power. I firmly believe the obliteration of God, Family and Country has resulted in the deep divisions we currently see in our country. Read more…
Black and Red Show featuring RedState.com’s four African American contributors: Editor at Large Kira Davis, Jeff Charles, Chris Arps and Lenny McAllister.
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