Hat tip:whennessy
STL Beacon: Hennessy defends use of Weigert to promote local Tea Party in state Capitol
*Tea Party activist and Facebook friend Caroline Mueller posted this note on our Facebook wall. Here are a few excerpts of comments from her fellow Teapartiers:
Former St. Louis police union head signs up with the MO Ethics Commission as the *official lobbyist* for the St. Louis Tea Party? My question: Do you feel comfortable with a Jay Nixon-supporting union guy going to Jeff City to represent our Tea Party?…. and WHO selected him???
Karl Schneider: No one ask me !!!
Bob McCarty: Writes In my mind, Tea Party and lobbyist don’t mix.
Caroline Mueller: Wiegert endorsed Jay Nixon for Governor over Kenny Hulshof back in 2008. “He supports the idea of collective bargaining,” Wiegert said of Nixon.
Bob McCarty: Writes Shaking head, dumbfounded.
Karl Schneider: We speak & they should pay attention. Kind of gets rid of the need for a middle-man (aka lobbyist).
Donna Elizabeth: Reynolds Kennedy scuse me?
Barbara Siegfried: Hopefully not all Union members are for the unions and the way they are handling the Union’s Business. There are Tea Party members that are union members that support conservative ideas. some are aUnion because they are forced into unions to be able to have work.
Carol Bloomberg: I am very concerned about this turn of events for the TEA Party. If a lobbyist was even needed, seems like one with less “ties” to questionable issues could have been found. Has the TEA Party been co-opted?
Karl Schneider: I am a union member. By choice. But my political views are 180 degrees from union officials & union lobbyists!
Patricia Verde: How strange…..the Tea Party never needed a Lobbyist in all the time it has existed, and it has made great strides. Who in the Tea Party had the authority to authorize this “deal”? The concept of a lobbyist is one of the things the party shunned and wanted removed from politics. If this is a fact, then I am out because I don’t need a lobbyist to speak for me. I can speak for my self!!
Bill Hennessy: That was my decision and mine alone. If you have a problem with it, call me, Caroline. You have my number. I’m up.
0 responses so far ↓
1 jerry // Mar 28, 2011 at 1:05 pm
if we the people do not have a “lobbyist” to represent us, then big business and others, get it all their way in government. and the average citizen has nothing. sorry to say, but the “lobbyist” is needed in our country and it will be that way for a long time to come…
2 Ike Skelton // Mar 28, 2011 at 1:40 pm
No, I am not “that” Ike Skelton…I’m the other one. Anyhow, to answer Jerry…Sir, we are all lobbyist. I know we can not all run to Jeff City when we have something to say. BUT, if an issue is that important, we, as citizens, have a duty to get individually involved. Elected officials like it when groups of citizens have lobbyist. A single lobbyist is easier to control/manage than a group of individuals. Please do not abdicate your responsibility by leaving it in the hand of a lobbyist. IMO
3 Pbearer // Mar 29, 2011 at 9:31 am
This is a Joke. The Tea Party has been Co-opted by Republican party hacks.
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