"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." -- Mahatma Gandhi
Source: Black STL Police Officers Lose in Local Control Compromise; Rep. Nasheed Nets $5K | Missouri Political News Service

Source: Black STL Police Officers Lose in Local Control Compromise; Rep. Nasheed Nets $5K

April 21st, 2011 by mopns · No Comments

“It’s an open secret this bill [payday loan reform] is bought and paid for. It’s an open secret that this bill is a joke, it’s an open secret around the state that this ain’t real reform….” –Former Rep. Jake Zimmerman, D-Olivette

Is the “voice for the people” Rep. Jamilah Nasheed aka Niecey Williams “bought and paid for?”

Did STL Mayor Slay buy “Niecey’s” local control support for only $5,000?

STL Post Dispatch:

Mayor Francis Slay and the St. Louis Police Officers Association agreed Tuesday on the terms of a bill in the state Legislature that could give police officers a collective bargaining agreement for the first time ever and would protect current officers’ salaries, benefits and freedom to live outside the city.

A black city police officer wrote to us telling us that one caveat is missing from this story. It is the fact that St. Louis Police Department actually has two unions; The St. Louis Police Officers Association and the Ethical Society of Police. The Ethical Society of Police was started by African American Police officers in 1968 to combat racism and bias within the force:

The Ethical Society of Police believes that as an African American organization, the E.S.O.P. is obligated as well as uniquely qualified to monitor and rectify the racial and ethical challenges that confront the St. Louis Police Department.

Our source continued,“If Slay gets control of the police department, [Chief] Isom is as good as gone to Chicago. Also, only one union will be representing the police officers. Guess which one it will be? Thanks Jamilah!”


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Tags: Mayor Frances Slay · St. Louis

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