"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." -- Mahatma Gandhi
Dem Pollster on Tommy Sowers Campaign: "Delusional", "Propaganda", "Exaggeration", "Absurdity", "Distortion & Fiction" | Missouri Political News Service

Dem Pollster on Tommy Sowers Campaign: “Delusional”, “Propaganda”, “Exaggeration”, “Absurdity”, “Distortion & Fiction”

November 18th, 2010 by MarkTwain · No Comments

“Still, isn’t there something at least a little wrong with prying cash out of people by leading them to believe that you can win when you can’t? Or were the Sowers folks so politically inept that in late October they thought their candidate could win?” — Stuart Rothenberg

Writing in Roll Call today, Democrat Pollster Stuart Rothenberg blasts the inept and disengenous Tommy Sowers campaign:

I wrote about Sowers’ campaign in this space during the summer (“Missouri 8: For Sowers, Raising Money Is the Easy Part,” June 15, 2010), after I was shocked to see the amount of attention the campaign received in the national media. Still, even I am stunned at the absurdity of the campaign.

Sowers lost to Republican Rep. Jo Ann Emerson by more than 36 points in a race that any dispassionate observer would have said was a nonstarter. Remember, Barack Obama and John Kerry each drew just 36 percent in this district, while Al Gore drew 39 percent in 2000.

In other words, this is an impossible district for a Democrat even in a good Democratic year, let alone a year like 2010. Yet, Sowers raised almost as much money as Emerson did ($1.69 million to $1.86 million) and continued right up to Election Day to raise money and brag about his prospects. Read more…

It’s especially impossible to win a conservative leaning district in Missouri when you’re holding campaign fundraisers at Washington D.C.  gay bars Tommy! What the hell were you thinking? And did you really think that breaking out the “combat Bible” was going to fool Southeast Missouri voters? Or the Christian Network television interview after the gay bar fiasco? These guys were so incompetent, that they brought in Obama’s astroturf ‘Organizing for America” group to Tommy’s district – a district where the president had a 29% approval rating! Tommy’s donors should be asking for their money back!



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0 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Mark // Nov 18, 2010 at 4:27 pm

    I will not be asking for my money back.

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