Governor Nixon is still looking to cut $500 million from the state’s budget. We have a suggestion for you Sir. How about eliminating the “Maida Up” stimulus job you recently created for former Senate minority leader Maida Coleman. It is outrageous that while long time state employees are losing their jobs while the state tighten its belt, Coleman is given a position in state government (that she is grossly unqualified for) that was created just for her.
We expected the press to stay mum on this but why are Republicans in the legislature and the state party remaining silent? Is the party of fiscal conservatism subjugating their principles for fear of being labeled racists for calling Jay out on this blaring double standard? The fiscal health of our state is at risk, not to mention the fundamental issue of fairness. This is no time to be timid!
Nixon to State Workers: Let Them Eat Cake!
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