The so called tolerant and progressive Left are once again showing they are anything but tolerant and progressive – especially when your ideas and beliefs are in direct opposition to theirs.
How many viral videos have we seen of liberals harassing – and in too many cases – assaulting President Trump’s supporters for the heinous crime of simply wearing a ‘Make America Great Again’ hat?
If you don’t believe that Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) is real, then this example from last weekend should convince you.
‘The Florida man who was arrested last weekend after allegedly ramming his van through a Republican voter registration tent told police that he was motivated by an opposition to President Trump.
In a new redacted arrest report, the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office said that Gregory Timm “advised that he does not like President Trump” after officers interviewed him at his residence the day of the alleged attack. The report added that another reason he drove his van through the tent was because “it’s like someone shitting on your grave.” A third motivating factor was redacted.’
TDS victims have ran the gamut from male to female; black and white; young and old. What is particularly disturbing are these assaults on children. Read more…
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