What alternative universe are you living in when you can claim a six figure fine is a ‘full exoneration?’ Greitens for Missouri sent this celebratory email yesterday to supporters:
“After a 20-month investigation, the Missouri Ethics Commission (MEC) released an order fully exonerating former Governor Eric Greitens. They found ‘no evidence of any wrongdoing on the part of Eric Greitens.’ “
This news makes clear what many of you knew all along: in 2018 our justice system was abused. Lies were told and bribes were paid in a criminal effort to overturn the 2016 election. And now, the truth is beginning to come out.
Some of the people who made up false charges against me, have now been charged with seven felonies for what they did: they lied under oath and they tampered with evidence. And there is more to come.
Of course, this wasn’t really about me. It was an attack designed for one purpose: to overturn your votes, because we were fighting for you.
Although we rarely agree with the St. Louis Post Disgrace on anything, one paragraph in the story we linked above spells out the REAL reason the former Governor resigned his office in disgrace:
Greitens announced his resignation on May 29, 2018, the same day a Cole County judge ordered A New Missouri to release financial information to the House investigative committee.
The secret wealthy donors supporting Greitens dark money PAC A New Missouri – and paying his mounting legal bills – would stop donating if their names were ever revealed to the public.
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