"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." -- Mahatma Gandhi
STL Alderman on County-City Merger: "Merge County Municipalities 1st" | Missouri Political News Service

STL Alderman On County-City Merger: “Merge County Municipalities 1st”

October 26th, 2010 by sclemons · No Comments

“AAA Charlie” Dooley’s city county merger trial balloon continues to have negative reverberations for him in his campaign for reelection as St. Louis County executive. Here’s what Dooley told the Post Dispatch on September 27th:

In a meeting Monday morning with Post-Dispatch editorial writers and reporters, St. Louis County Executive Charlie A. Dooley said a city-county merger would go a long way towards healing the area’s economic malaise, while also making government more efficient.

“We need to (merge),” Dooley said. “The chances now are better than before but the city officials of St. Louis are not all on the same page on this issue because they have constituencies that they answer to.”

Then when the trial balloon crashed and burned, Mr. Dooley claimed it was all a “misunderstanding” and that the Post had “misrepresented his statements.” It looks like 21st ward alderman Antonio French and others aren’t falling for the Dooley Okie Doke:


St. Louis Beacon:
Slay donates $10,000 to Dooley for final push; irked over rival’s anti-merger spot



Tags: Mayor Frances Slay · St. Louis · STL County Executive Charlie Dooley

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