"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." -- Mahatma Gandhi
“Clean Coal” Dick Gephardt for Labor Secretary? | Missouri Political News Service

“Clean Coal” Dick Gephardt for Labor Secretary?

November 7th, 2008 by mopns · No Comments

As President-Elect Obama mulls over his choices for his cabinet, one Missourian’s name -besides Claire McCaskill – is being bandied about as a future member. Former minority leader Dick “son of a milk truck driver” Gephardt is being mentioned as a possible labor secretary in the new administration. Though overly partisan at times, Mr. Gephardt is respected by his former colleagues and would easily sail through Senate confirmation.

Mr. Gephardt, who enjoyed strong support from the labor unions while in office, may not be such a good fit now that he is a corporate lobbyist for the coal industry and clean coal technology – an industry Mr. Obama promised to bankrupt during the campaign. Also, as a partner in a prominent Washington law firm, Gephardt’s making more money than he’s ever made in his life. Does he really want to give all that up at this stage in his life?


Lobbyist Gephardt Calls for More Drilling & Use of Coal

Quote[s] of the Day: Lobbyist Gephardt Not Following Dem Talking Points on Energy



Tags: Decision '08

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