We told you last week how “Tricky” Dick Gephardt (son of a milk truck driver!) is now a corporate lobbyist who advocates vociferously for “clean coal technology. We guess Dick doesn’t get the Democrat talking points anymore, or he simply ignores them in favor of his new corporate masters. Here are some choice quotes from Dick’s speech:
“There is never going to be a day when we do not need oil in this country. The question is: How much and can you replace some of that oil through domestic sources of energy? And, the answer is yes, we can, and we can do it and solve global warming at the same time.”
“The first thing we need to do is deal with the facts. Sometimes when we talk about energy we go off on some wild tangent and someone will say, ‘Well if we just put wind mills everywhere we would not have to worry about any of this.’ Well that would be great if it was true, but it just is not true.”
“Then somebody says, ‘Well let’s get bigger solar panels and that will solve the problem.’ Well, it isn’t true. Can we make strides in solar? Absolutely and we are doing that, but that is not the answer to the problem. The truth is to meet our energy needs, which are growing by the minute, we’ve got to have coal and we’ve got to have nuclear.”
“We will never solve the global warming issue just in the United States. We are a little bitty country in a great big world.” Read more…
Politico: Six degrees of … Dick Gephardt?
0 responses so far ↓
1 Jackson // Jul 24, 2008 at 7:59 am
It’s a rare moment when I agree with Dick Gephardt but this is one of his most lucid moments in his over 30 year political career.
2 Terry Jackson // Nov 8, 2008 at 10:48 am
Man-made global warming is the biggest hoax/boondoggle ever inflicted on this nation/world.
The basic premise of CO2 causing GW has been proven to be wrong. CO2 is in fact an indispensable gas, without which all vegetation on earth would die.
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