"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." -- Mahatma Gandhi
Law Students Get a Lesson About LGBT | Missouri Political News Service

Law Students Get a Lesson About LGBT

April 1st, 2008 by mopns · No Comments

You’ve got to give the homosexual lobby credit. Create sympathy for your cause with the future attorneys and judges of America.

The indoctrination starts in kindergarten with the reading of Heather Has Two Mommies, and doesn’t end, even when some of the students enter law school.

From University News: (UMKC) 

By Elyssa Brogdon

Students of different races, genders and sexual orientations came together for a panel discussion over lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) adoption and parenting.

The panel included Bronwyn Werner, a LGBT mother and assistant prosecuting attorney for Jackson County; Sandford Krigel, from Krigel and Krigel Law Offices; and Kris Probasco, a Licensed Specialist Clinical Social Worker at Clinical Counseling Associates, Inc.

The panel focused on how the adoption process works, specifically for LGBT couples, and how to meet and understand LGBT clients’ needs.

“A survey was conducted by a national polling association in the state of Missouri on gay parenting,” said mediator and attorney Lisa Brunner, of Husch, Blackwell, and Saunders. “For those who follow the gay marriage thing, in ’03 the vote was 70 [percent] to 30 [percent] against gay marriage. … However, in the poll, it was very interesting. Seventy-three percent of the respondents to the survey said they were fine with gay and lesbian people parenting, as long as it was in the best interest of the child.” Read more…



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