"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." -- Mahatma Gandhi
Carpenters’ District Council Endorses Sarah Steelman | Missouri Political News Service

Carpenters’ District Council Endorses Sarah Steelman

November 27th, 2007 by mopns · No Comments

State Treasurer Sarah Steelman announced today that the Carpenters’ District Council of Greater St. Louis had endorsed her re-election for State Treasurer. In making the endorsement announcement, the Council said Steelman has been a strong proponent for working people and has consistently supported issues that are important to Missouri

Executive Secretary-Treasurer, Terry Nelson, acknowledged, “We don’t normally endorse candidates before the filing date closes, but we decided to make an exception in this race because Sarah Steelman has demonstrated the qualities we expect from our elected officials. No other candidate could supersede State Treasurer Steelman and the work she’s already done on behalf of Carpenters in the State of Missouri .”

The Carpenters Council went on to point out that throughout her political career, Steelman has stood strong with working people, even when it has not been popular to do so. Steelman won acclaim from carpenters and many others around the state as former Chairman of the MHDC when she led the effort to address the problems caused by the use of illegal workers on MHDC projects. Terry Nelson stated, “It should never be difficult to stand with those who have stood with us. Sarah’s career has always been about doing the right thing. For the Carpenters, doing the right thing means supporting her re-election efforts.”

Tom Heinsz, Director of Organizing, recognized Steelman’s sincerity. “When politicians make promises, most people wonder whether they can be relied on to keep those promises. Sarah Steelman doesn’t just promise, she delivers, on the issues that matter.”

“I am so proud to receive the endorsement of the St. Louis Carpenters”, said Steelman. “Most importantly, I’m so proud to be their partner in working hard to build better families, stronger communities and a better Missouri.”

The Carpenters endorsement noted that as they fight for their membership to ensure a good living, fair work practices, and a strong community, they are proud to endorse a proven leader who is not afraid to tackle the big issues and the big power brokers if necessary.



Tags: Decision '08 · Sarah Steelman

0 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Steven Reed // Dec 29, 2007 at 6:47 pm

    Time for a Change!

    People are asked to put out signs, write letters, tell family and friends in helping to spread the word that we need Sarah Steelman as Governor. To learn more about how to help, go to: http://www.draftsarah.4t.com We need her because: She is a very inspiring person who speaks well and can get important ideas across to people, and she knows how to listen to the people. Steelman has made national news and, as a rising figure of national importance, has pressed for more accountability and control over corporations and businesses who funnel money into terrorist organizations around the world.

    Sarah Steelman received an Economics degree from the University of Missouri. Having a Governor who has worked in and understands economics could benefit every person in the State. She has recently received acclaim for her calls to crack down on illegal immigration in Missouri. And as Treasurer, she has promoted and made parents across the state of Missouri aware of the special savings accounts that can be used to send their kids to college. She wants all kids in Missouri to have the chance to go to college.

  • 2 Steven Reed // Dec 29, 2007 at 6:47 pm

    It is time for a Changing of the Guard

    It is time for a changing of the guard. Gov. Blunt’s approval rating sits at a mere 41% statewide. Treasurer Sarah Steelman could bring a breath of fresh air to our state and its people. She received an Economics Degree from the University of Missouri. She served as an adjunct economics professor at Lincoln University and as an economist for the Missouri Department of Revenue. She speaks clearly and understands how to unify people in reaching goals. People are asked to look at http://www.draftsarah.4t.com

    I have worked since 1998 to get a Technology Park to southwest Missouri. We have spent millions on the second industrial park in Springfield, and we could rename it and change the concept. Indiana passed a state law allowing any city to apply for approval for a certified technology park. Having a Governor who has worked in and understands economics, could benefit every person in the state. She knows we are in competition with every country especially China, India, and others including our own states for the creation of jobs and companies of the future.

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