"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." -- Mahatma Gandhi
Students Campaign for Presidential Candidates | Missouri Political News Service

Students Campaign for Presidential Candidates

November 28th, 2007 by mopns · No Comments

Hat tip: Young MO Politico

By Stephanie Clark

In the midst of the presidential race, MU students are putting forth their time and their voices to support their preferred presidential candidates.

Students on campus have formed organizations to promote presidential candidates Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and John Edwards.

None of these groups are official organizations, and these candidates were the only candidates represented by Missouri students on Facebook.com.

Mizzou for John Edwards, an organization formed at the end of September, is trying to garner support for former Sen. John Edwards, who represented North Carolina.

Organization officer Nate Kennedy said the group is campaigning by informing individuals about Edwards, registering people to vote and urging voters to attend caucus.

On Oct. 21, the group traveled to Iowa, where members went door-to-door and promoted the Edwards campaign. Kennedy said they plan to travel to Iowa again this coming weekend, as well as on Jan. 1 as part of an effort by Get Out The Vote to ensure that Edwards’s supporters attend the Iowa caucus.

The organization is also participating in GOTV events around campus to prepare for the Missouri primary on Feb. 5. Read more…



Tags: Decision '08

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