"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." -- Mahatma Gandhi
News-Leader: GOP Lawmakers May Ask Jetton to Step Down | Missouri Political News Service

News-Leader: GOP Lawmakers May Ask Jetton to Step Down

November 9th, 2007 by mopns · No Comments

Fat Lady Singing for Jetton?

MOPNS reported to you back in June that patience within the Republican caucus was wearing thin in regards to Speaker Jetton and his questionable ethics. From signing Romney campaign emails as “speaker Rod Jetton;” to scalping baseball tickets for fundraisers; to purchasing office equipment for his consulting business with campaign contributions, a disturbing pattern of skirting the rules is emerging. And now the Plaster affair is the latest bit of shenanigans from Jetton.

Kathleen O’Dell

More than 10 Republican legislators are so displeased with House Speaker Rod Jetton’s explanation of his role in a controversial bill, they may ask him to step down as speaker in January, Springfield Rep. Charlie Denison said Thursday.

He said he doubts they would act on it before the General Assembly convenes in January because they want to hear how Jetton explains the issue to them. They would want to garner enough support to be able to vote him out if he didn’t resign.

“They are upset with Rod because they felt like he has done us an injustice,” Denison said, by presenting the bill and slipping into it a provision that would make it easier for landowners to petition to become a village. “If that’s a fact then he did do us an injustice,” Denison said. Read more…


Video: Speaker Jetton presenting former Democratic K.C. Mayor Kay Barnes with “Outstanding Missourian” award. (4/13/2007)

[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/skByFgxYiQ0" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]



Tags: MO Legislature · Spkr. Jetton

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