"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." -- Mahatma Gandhi
Missouri Pulse: “Promises. Promises.” | Missouri Political News Service

Missouri Pulse: “Promises. Promises.”

November 9th, 2007 by mopns · No Comments

Remember when Jay Nixon proudly pledged in September he would refund donations to his campaign in excess of $1,275? Well, it appears the press release that accompanied Nixon’s pledge is no longer available on his campaign site. While other campaign releases issued since 2005 are there for public examination, that particular September missive, much like his pledge, appears to have gone up in smoke.

To date, Nixon has yet to return a single over the limit donation even though he said he had no hardship to merit keeping the donations. Making matters worse for Nixon is the fact that his 15-year record marked by over the top rhetoric in support of donation limits has also gone up in smoke due to his acceptance of more than $1 million in over the limit donations—the same donations he pledged to return. Read more…


CDT Politics Blog: Nixon: “Ready to start putting checks in the mail tomorrow if Matt Blunt agrees to do the same.”

Post-Dispatch to Nixon: Are You Returning Contributions or Not?



Tags: Decision '08 · Jay Nixon

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