24th State:
Jeff Jarvis describes the problem with newspaper blogs.
So I think that if newspapers are going to blog, they should have lots of blogs at lots of addresses, lots of people creating lots of brands. And this also means that they must be written in the human voice of the person, not the cold voice of the institution. And, while we’re at it, this means that they must join in and link to other conversations; that is they only way they will spread and grow, not because they live six clicks deep into a giant newspaper site. We are seeing the links and the voice. But the architecture remains a problem.
It’s pretty spot on, and it’s a useful bit of advice for Missouri newspapers. There is a difference between writing and blogging, and newspapers need to learn this before the audience goes somewhere else {cough}craigslist{cough}. The question is out there. How do you respect the community without kowtowing to it?
Today, Columbia Tribune had an editorial about the Wild, Wild Blogosphere.
i liked a lot of what the publisher said, but one red flag went up. I heard from a PR guy that newspapers have started to use blogs to publish stories they can’t confirm. Sounds like a fake, but accurate nightmate. Read more…
MOPNS: Chalk One Up for the “New Media”; Hey Hank Waters, Here’s an Example of Responsible Blogging
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