New Conservative Missouri Organization to hold Politicians Accountable, Reign in Activist Judges, and Promote Needed Education Reform
(Jefferson City) – The Adam Smith Foundation is proud to announce its official launch as an organization committed to promoting conservative principals and individual liberties for Missouri. Our Foundation seeks to provide Missourians with information they need to hold their state and local elected officials as well as activist judges directly accountable for their actions. “There are countless leftist political groups in Missouri, but only a handful of conservative organizations. We strive to fill an important void by holding politicians in Jefferson City accountable” said John Elliott, organization President. “Big spenders in state and local governments have forgotten that tax dollars belong to the citizens, and we will promote ways to reduce the size of government.”
One of the Foundation’s primary areas of focus will be on the Missouri Judiciary, specifically the obsolete “Missouri Plan”. The Missouri Plan is broken and controlled by liberal trial attorney’s who want judge’s who will further their political agenda. Our goal is to restore checks and balances in the judicial appointment process, so Missouri’s legal system is based on the rule of law rather than the influence of liberal special interest groups. “The Missouri Judiciary has been overtaken by liberal trial attorney’s who are working with Judge Teitelman and Judge Wolff to rewrite the Missouri Constitution. We plan to educate the citizens of Missouri and work to stop their judicial activism.” added Tom Shupe.
Lastly, the Adam Smith Foundation will encourage true education reform. All Missouri students deserve access to an excellent education. Unfortunately, many families in St. Louis and Kansas City have no choice but to send their children to a failing school. For years, we have seen that more money alone does not solve problems in rural or urban school districts. We will work to hold school districts accountable for the way they spend tax dollars and to promote education alternatives for students in failing districts.
The Adam Smith Foundation is a 501 (c) 4 organization based in Jefferson City. For more information on the Adam Smith Foundation or how you can get involved, please visit
0 responses so far ↓
1 Mike Williams // Jun 26, 2007 at 10:06 pm
We need more conservative groups here in MO.
MOPNS-Keep up the good work.
2 Bruce F Buwalda // Jun 27, 2007 at 11:30 am
As a representative of the Missouri Republican Assembly, and one of the national officers of the National Federation of Republican Assemblies (NFRA) I would like to welcome the Adam Smith Foundation into the political world!
The NFRA is represented in over 30 states across America with a goal of grass roots influence on local and national politice. Our California chapter was the first to form and as the saying goes, the rest is history.
We are currently finalizing a grass roots Presidential Preference Convention to be held in St Louis MO during 3-5 August 2007 time period and expect several of the Presidential candidates to speak. As stated we are a grass roots and a States Rights organization. Our web site is: http://WWW.GOPWING.COM
3 tom // Jun 27, 2007 at 2:58 pm
I would seriously like to see this effort succeed as the currect crop of politicians just seem to believe that they are above reproach. It is time to kick the LOT of them OUT and start a new.
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