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EPA: Neighborhood Not Contaminated By Landfill Nuclear Waste | Missouri Political News Service

EPA: Neighborhood Not Contaminated By Landfill Nuclear Waste

May 22nd, 2017 by mopns_admin · No Comments

We know that facts and science don’t matter when you’re on a crusade for notoriety and publicity while the sands run out of the hourglass of your political career. In yet another report from the Environmental Protection, the report states once again there is no Manhattan Project nuclear waste contaminating homes around the Westlake landfill in Bridgeton, Missouri, a suburb in St. Louis county.

The Environmental Protection Agency today released further information that the area outside West Lake Landfill does not possess radioactive waste, another in a series of scientific reports calling into question the credibility of some activists uproar. The latest study affirms House Republicans decision not to spend $1,000,000 in taxpayer money to buyout homes in the area studied. The residential sampling was conducted in the Bridgeton area the week of December 26, 2016. Due to the results, CERCLA (also known as Superfund) action is not warranted.

This is not the first time the EPA has found scientific results that fail to match claims in Spanish Village and Bridgeton. After hearing the concerns and a lawsuit, the EPA chose to pursue the sampling in the area. “EPA acted quickly in conjunction with the state of Missouri, the Corps of Engineers, and the CDC, once we learned of the allegation of potential contamination inside a residence in Spanish Village,” Acting EPA Region 7 Administrator Edward H. Chu said. “We collected and analyzed over 140 samples, and our evaluation of the data shows no Manhattan Project waste was found in the homes sampled in Spanish Village.” Read more….

Senator Chappelle Nadal and the professional protesters at the Westlake landfill have purposely tried to confuse the public by equating the Westlake contamination and the Coldwater Creek contamination as originating from the source.

While often easy to conflate there are vast differences between the West Lake landfill and the Coldwater Creek situations and the activists involved. The longstanding community activism in Spanish Lake continues to frustrate those in Coldwater Creek, an area with scientific reports of radiation and health problems, who believe some “activists” and trial lawyers are piggybacking off of their problems. Many of these were outlined in Rep. Justin Hill’s speech on the floor of the House the last day of session which included discussing his wife’s battle with cancer.

“This is something [Coldwater Creek residents] consistently battle [West Lake Landfill activists] on,” Angela Helbling of Coldwater Creek said on Facebook. “The other thing I find alarming is that other (like Maria [Chappelle-Nadal]) are trying to paint the picture that our collective illnesses at Coldwater Creek, as outlined by our informational health survey; are due exposure to landfill emissions/landfill fire; which is not true. I buried my mom 21 years ago. Long before the fire. She is being used (just like everyone else who is represented in our health survey) to push political agendas and buyouts that only benefit those responsible for contamination at Coldwater Creek in the first place.


Professional Protesters, Home Buyouts, Senate Filibuster



Tags: St. Louis · Westlake

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