In an email to supporters this morning titled “do your friends know,” presumptive Democratic gubernatorial nominee Chris Koster seems to have changed his mind on Obamacare: “Most folks know that expanding Medicaid will give 260,000 Missourians access to the healthcare coverage they need to keep themselves and their families healthy. But do your friends on Facebook know it will also save our state millions of dollars and help create 22,175 jobs? Take a look at this graphic and then share it with a few friends:”
Amazing! Koster’s campaign teams sends out this email on the same morning another state health exchange closes due to slack enrollment:
Just two years after Obamacare’s implementation, a Louisiana nonprofit insurer that received nearly $66 million in taxpayer-funded loans is closing its doors. On Friday, the Louisiana Department of Insurance announced that the state’s consumer operated and oriented plan, or co-op, would be discontinuing its operations at the end of 2015. Louisiana’s is the second co-op created under to Obamacare to close. Read more…
Charlie Dooley Calls Obamacare Protesters “Nothing But Haters”
Obamacare Still Means Billions In Tax Increases
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