"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." -- Mahatma Gandhi
Video: Steelman Discusses Budget Deficit | Missouri Political News Service

Video: Steelman Discusses Budget Deficit

December 1st, 2011 by mopns · No Comments

In a related matter, is Congressman Todd Akin still running for the Senate? His last press release on his campaign website is six months old:


Prof. Larry Sabato: “Because she won in 2006 with just under 50% of the vote and currently has an approval rating hovering in the mid-40s, Sen. Claire McCaskill has a tough road to reelection…If President Obama doesn’t heavily target GOP-leaning Missouri, McCaskill will have a tougher time getting the heavy Democratic turnout that will be vital to her reelection hopes. With all this in mind, we see this as quite the TOSS UP.”

Riverfront Times: Did Todd Akin Trick People Into Thinking Paul Ryan Endorsed Him?



Tags: Senator McCaskill

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