The Carnahan blog Fired Up Missouri thinks it’s ‘xenophobic’ to expect immigrants (preferably legal) to learn English and expect that driver’s license tests and other official government documents be in English. They’re lambasting Rep. Luetkemeyer for his video calling for English to be the official language of our country. We’d be curious to know what they think of Sen. McCaskill’s legislation that calls for foreign call center employees to identify their name and country?
McCaskill introduced a plan for legislation that would require companies to tell consumers where their call centers are located. She said she hoped the legislation, which is still being drafted, would encourage companies to keep call centers within the United States.
“I don’t know about you, but I’ve called for help sometimes, and I can’t get them to tell me where they are.”Read more…
Claire thinks this a twofer for her; call for jobs to be brought back to America and bash foreigners to boot. How tolerant!
0 responses so far ↓
1 Steven Clark // Sep 21, 2011 at 1:06 am
It should be the ONLY languge in the us and i agree too that i should know to whom i’m giving all my important info to on a credit card
2 mopns // Sep 21, 2011 at 11:10 am
“i should know to whom i’m giving all my important info to on a credit card” yeah, but you’re calling THEM.
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