It’s a shame that Russ Carnahan and the Democrats are needlessly scaring seniors to gain political advantage for next year’s elections. And what’s equally a shame is that they have a complicit media turning a blind eye and not reporting the truth. Democrats and Republicans admit the program will be insolvent in a few years unless some dramatic changes are made, but the Democrats have decided on a plan of fear instead. Last week, Rusty held a campaign rally disguised as a telephone town hall on Medicare. Even the reliably biased Jo Mannies couldn’t carry All the water for this farce:
St. Louis Beacon:
About 10,000 residents in the current 3rd congressional district got a chance Thursday to listen and talk to U.S. Rep. Russ Carnahan, D-St. Louis, about their concerns — which, in this crowd, skewed toward protecting Social Security and Medicare, while also creating jobs…
“I just want to know how the Democrats can take over the conversation,” she said, explaining that Democrats are failing to push back against Republicans’ proposed budget cuts, by emphasizing the view of many economists that it’s wrong to engage in deep budget cuts during a recession….
The half-hour tele-conference was followed by a poll of the participants which underscored that they were mainly of one mind. More than 80 percent opposed “privatizing and ending Medicare and Medicaid,” as the question was phrased. Almost 90 percent opposed “privatizing Social Security.”
Can you believe your tax dollars paid for this?
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