Rep. Luetkemeyer gets a little lazy and FiredUp is all over it. Russ ‘lucky sperm club’ Carnahan holds fundraisers at lobbyists’ townhomes and they’re silent. Hypocrites!
Denver Post:
The townhouses are popular with lawmakers because they are convenient and often luxurious. For their owners, they provide a useful service to key political players, usually showing up as an in-kind donation on candidates’ financial reports.
In the past three months, the Williams & Jensen* townhouse has been the site of fundraisers for Rep. Nydia Velasquez, D N.Y.; Rep. Jackie Speier, D-Calif.; Rep. David Price, D-N.C.; Rep. Russ Carnahan, D-Mo.; a Republican congressional candidate from New Hampshire; and a Democratic candidate from Alabama, according to Sunlight Foundation records.
The firm has billed nearly $12.6 million in fees to lobbying clients this year, the foundation’s records indicate.
“Who would guess that this would be such a common occurrence, buying or renting homes on Capitol Hill just to facilitate fundraising by members of Congress,” said Krumholz, who estimates there are more than two dozen townhomes near Capitol Hill that serve the same purpose. Read more…
*Interesting. A few of W&J’s clients are the villainous drug companies Wyeth, Pfizer, and Genentech.
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1 Bulletinman // Nov 17, 2009 at 10:50 am
Killer Carnahan. Blood money on his hands, you would think after what happened to his Daddy and Brother they would have come on over to the sunny side of the street. Abortion is Murder!
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