"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." -- Mahatma Gandhi
Quote of the Day: Temporiti: “I Think You’re Going to Have Another Opportunity to Reconsider Your Vote” | Missouri Political News Service

Quote of the Day: Temporiti: “I Think You’re Going to Have Another Opportunity to Reconsider Your Vote”

September 28th, 2009 by mopns · No Comments

John Temporiti, campaign treasurer for St. Louis County Executive Charlie Dooley and former chairman of the state Democrat Party, “Chillin’ like a Villain”

Post Dispatch columnist Bill McClellan adds fuel to the already wide spread specualtion that Mr. Temporiti is the county executive’s designated “shakedown” man. We felt like we needed to take a shower after reading McClellan’s piece.

Here’s an excerpt:

According to Peterson’s story, Stenger soon heard that his no vote had upset John Temporiti, Dooley’s campaign treasurer and the former chairman of the state Democratic Party. It turns out that Temporiti’s son is senior brand manager for Hughes.

Well, fine. I’m a dad, too. We all want our kids to do well. It’s to Temporiti’s credit that he didn’t try to put the muscle on anybody before the vote.

At least he didn’t the first time. According to Peterson’s story, Temporiti invited Stenger to lunch at Dominic’s Trattoria in Clayton about a month ago. “I wasn’t sure what it was about,” Stenger told Peterson. “He said, ‘I think you’re going to have another opportunity to reconsider your vote for the Hughes Group.'”

That’s the sort of sentence you’d expect to hear in a “Godfather” movie. I think you’re going to have another opportunity to reconsider your vote. Thanks, but no, Stenger said.

Perhaps with the Godfather bit not working so well, Temporiti changed his tactics with Fraser. He invited her to lunch at Schneithorst’s restaurant in Ladue. He was accompanied by restaurateur Kim Tucci, who is campaign chairman for Jim Schoemehl, who is running for Fraser’s seat on the County Council. As I mentioned earlier, she is running for the state Senate in my district. Fraser told Peterson that she brought an aide along to the lunch, but Temporiti and Tucci had the aide sit at another table while they talked to her about the Hughes contract. Read more…


Poll: Another Democrat Bites the Dust. Who’s Next to Take the Perp Walk?



Tags: STL County Executive Charlie Dooley

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