"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." -- Mahatma Gandhi
Kinder’s Remarks to the NAACP | Missouri Political News Service

Kinder’s Remarks to the NAACP

June 25th, 2009 by mopns · No Comments

Lt. Gov. Peter Kinder (right) speaks with Vera Thomas, mother of death row inmate Reggie Clemons, Bishop Reynolds Thomas and Rev. Kenneth McKoy during celebration services at Greater Mt. Carmel Baptist Church. The services were held as a celebration of hope for Mr. Clemons stay of execution. Photo by Wiley Price, St. Louis American

Excerpts from remarks given by Lt. Gov. Kinder at the NAACP St. Louis chapter’s annual dinner:
“For 100 years, this organization has fought to ensure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights for all people, while working to eliminate all forms of hatred and discrimination. We join together this evening united with a common hope. We meet here, in this place, having set aside our political, social and economic backgrounds to find unity in diversity. We are different people with different stories. And, while we unite today for this common cause, let us also acknowledge our differences and celebrate those as well. Tonight, we honor over 100 of our neighbors who have labored long and hard for their community. Their selfless dedication is a testament to the honor and sacrifice of service to our fellow man.”



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