"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." -- Mahatma Gandhi
Worst Spin Headline of the Year | Missouri Political News Service

Worst Spin Headline of the Year

April 14th, 2009 by mopns · No Comments

Between the never ending and often far reaching posts against Lt. Gov. Kinder, and the man love crush they have for Ed Martin, you sometimes have to wonder what the good folks over at FiredUp Missouri are smoking! It’s only April, but we definitely have to nominate this FUM headline as the worst attempt at spin for the year: “Tea parties hoping to capitalize on public disgust with Republican leadership”

The geniuses at FUM reached this conclusion from this Gallop poll that showed Obama was more popular than Republican leaders in Congress! We’d frankly be embarrassed posting such a headline, but when you’re drinking the Kool Aid so heavily, I guess you can’t realize you’re making a fool of yourself.


Rasmussen: Republicans Close The Gap With Democrats on Several Key Issues



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