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Controversial ICE Chief & Kit Bond Relative Julie Myers to Leave Nov. 15 | Missouri Political News Service

Controversial ICE Chief & Kit Bond Relative Julie Myers to Leave Nov. 15

November 6th, 2008 by mopns · No Comments

ICE head Julie Myers at a 2007 Halloween party with an employee wearing a racially insensitive costume. The House Homeland Security Committee released this photo in April and obscured the face of the costumed employee.

From FederalTimes.com:

by Stephen Losey

Immigration and Customs Enforcement head Julie Myers today became the first major appointee to resign after Barack Obama’s victory. Her last day will be Nov. 15.

Myers’ nearly three-year tenure at ICE has been dogged by controversy, though she eventually won over some skeptics.

That Halloween, Myers was one of three judges who dubbed an ICE employee’s racially insensitive costume “most original” at an official ICE costume party. The employee wore a black-and-white striped prison jumpsuit and a dreadlocked wig and had darkened his skin to look black. Myers also was photographed with the employee.

Myers later ordered the photographs to be deleted, though the original files on the camera survived. ICE said she ordered the deletion because she realized too late the costume was offensive and wanted to keep it from accidentally being printed in official publications, and not as part of a coverup because she feared the photographs could derail her Senate confirmation.

They nearly did. Sen. Claire McCaskill, D-Mo., placed a hold on Myers’ confirmation in November 2007 after word leaked out about the costume. Read more…

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Tags: Senator. Kit Bond

0 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Brutus // Nov 6, 2008 at 2:50 pm

    Surely Kit Bond is on the way out?? His boy VanEaton is a target of the FBI for his role in the US Attorney’s firing scandal and his best buddy Ted Stevens is a CONVICTED FELON!!

    Republicans will lose for sure if Bond stays around. He doesn’t even live in Missouri so he should just go home to Washington and stay.

    For good.

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