"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." -- Mahatma Gandhi
The More Things Change… | Missouri Political News Service

The More Things Change…

June 6th, 2008 by jjjameson · No Comments

What’s that old saying, “the more things change, the more they stay the same?” As we all know, our friend Tony “Bagdad” Messenger has changed beats and newspapers, but unfortunately, we’re still being subjected to his almost homo erotic obsession with Governor Matt Blunt . Its either that, or as we’ve already suspected, Baghdad’s a partisan Democrat operating under the guise of an objective journalist. As we’ll demonstrate below, Baghdad is also continuing to steal his story ideas from Democrat bloggers.

In a post titled “Randy Turner, MPNblog Have Blunt’s Press Strategy Pegged” FiredUp Missouri- the crack journalists that they are – linked to two blogs that take issue with recent press releases from the Blunt administration. Notice how the tone of the two excerpt sound eerily similar:

Baghdad (6/6/08): “When Blunt made the decision in January to drop out of the race against Nixon, he said he lacked a “mission” for a second term.

Apparently, the mission for the rest of this term is clear.

Attack Nixon. Attack Nixon. And, just for good measure, attack Nixon one more time.”

The Turner Report (6/3/08): “For a governor, especially one who couldn’t even be troubled to run for re-election, to indulge in these playground games at our expense is a mockery of our system. Of course, he may not have anything else to do in these final months, since he said he has already accomplished all of his goals during his first and only term.”

Baghdad: (6/6/08) Nearly every day, some missive makes its way from the governor’s office to the in-boxes of reporters throughout the state. Many mention the attorney general, Nixon, who is seeking Blunt’s seat.

“Attorney General Jay Nixon today again called for a plan that would require hundreds of millions of dollars in new taxes and spending to go back to the old, broken Medicaid system that was bankrupting our state.”

The Turner Report: (6/3/08) Now, the governor’s office is sending out daily news releases criticizing Jay Nixon. This release was issued Monday:

Gov. Matt Blunt today issued the following statement on Attorney General Jay Nixon’s comments on the governor’s health care record:

“Attorney General Jay Nixon today again called for a plan that would require hundreds of millions of dollars in new taxes and spending to go back to the old, broken Medicaid system that was bankrupting our state.”



Tags: Matt Blunt · Media Bias · Tony Messenger

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