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Steelman Supports Constitutional Amendment Prohibiting Courts From Levying or Imposing New or Increased Taxes Without Legislative or Voter Approval | Missouri Political News Service

Steelman Supports Constitutional Amendment Prohibiting Courts From Levying or Imposing New or Increased Taxes Without Legislative or Voter Approval

May 6th, 2008 by mopns · No Comments

Cheers to Sarah Steelman for supporting HJR 41, (sponsored by Rep. Jane Cunninghan) which would prohibit Missouri judges from ordering tax increases. Neighboring states Arkansas and Kansas have had nightmarish experiences with their judicial branches and tax increases. Lawsuits brought by school boards challenging Missouri’s funding formula threaten to leave our own state in the same boat, particularly with an increasingly liberal Supreme Court. In sum, without HJR 41, Missourians could face a tax increase by judicial fiat.

HJR 41 awaits passage by the Missouri Senate. And we wonder why it has not already been passed, considering it involves (1) taxes and (2) judges, two issues that resonate very well with the conservative base. We also wonder where Jay Nixon will come down on HJR 41. Will he pander to liberal trial attorneys who believe judges should tax? Or will he side with the overwhelming majority of Missourians and declare that judicial taxation ought to be illegal?

Missourinet Podcast: Sarah Steelman news conference (15:00 MP3) Sarah Steelman news conference (15:00 MP3)

AP: Mo. governor candidate Steelman proposes state tax breaks



Tags: Decision '08 · MO Legislature

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