"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." -- Mahatma Gandhi
Cleaver Seeks Legislative Assistant/Counsel | Missouri Political News Service

Cleaver Seeks Legislative Assistant/Counsel

March 5th, 2008 by mopns · No Comments

We found this advertisement today for Rep. Cleaver. Cleaver is apparently looking for a little office help in Washington. It’s your standard description for a Capitol Hill position; drafting statements, meeting deadlines etc. With Cleaver proving his undaunted loyalty to Senator Clinton recently, we have a few suggestions he should add to that job description.

One, the prospective candidate should live near a drugstore so they can buy plenty of Preparation H on the way to work. Taking one day after day for Hillary should be starting to get pretty painful for the Congressman. Throat lozenges are a necessity as well, constantly saying “Yessuh” and “Yes Ma’am” thousands of times a days to his colleagues is taxing on the Congressman voice.

Also, the prospective nominee should be prolific in what’s commonly called in the Black community as “buck dancing” – the traditional dance slaves and Uncle Toms used to entertain their masters. You know the Congressman is not a young man anymore, he may need a little help prostrating himself on those long days.

Just a few suggestions Mr. Cleaver. If we have any more, we’ll be sure to post them.

Missouri member seeks a legislative assistant/counsel with excellent writing and organizational skills; and ability to meet deadlines and perform under pressure. Candidate will be responsible for drafting statements, talking points, opinion pieces, constituent mail, and will handle a slate of issues that include Judiciary issues (including crime/drugs, first amendment issues, and tort reform); Campaign Finance & Election Reform (527s); Homeland Security, Terrorism & Intelligence; Pensions & Social Security; Medicare/Medicaid; and Healthcare. Law degree required. Having Capitol Hill experience is a plus but not required. E-mail resume, cover letter, and brief writing sample to healthla.opening@mail.house.gov No phone calls or walk-ins, please.



Tags: Decision '08 · Rep. Emanuel Cleaver

0 responses so far ↓

  • 1 kuhns // Mar 6, 2008 at 12:23 am

    For another example – perhaps not as blatant but equally offensive and racist – see the last two paragraphs of the Post-Dispatch Political Fix entry from 2/25/08 entitled “Slay gets African-American support – on the Web.”

  • 2 a // Mar 6, 2008 at 11:01 am

  • 3 Ted Power // Mar 6, 2008 at 6:23 pm

    Who is the wierdo who writes this stuff? Somebody is stuck in the 50’s. The 1850’s!

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