"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." -- Mahatma Gandhi
Where is Mike Gibbons? Part 2 | Missouri Political News Service

Where is Mike Gibbons? Part 2

November 2nd, 2007 by mopns · No Comments

Four AG candidates; three answers. Guess who’s MIA?

CDT Politics Blog:

In the midst of the controversy over Scott Eckersley firing, I’ve contacted all four candidates running for attorney general to get their opinion on the situation and the overall issue of e-mail retention.

Eckersley’s firing renewed questions about whether Gov. Matt Blunt is disregarding state law mandating e-mail retention. The issue surfaced after Messenger requested e-mail records of correspon-dence between Blunt Chief of Staff Ed Martin and anti-abortion activists. Martin told Messenger the governor’s office did not retain e-mail records.

Last month, Nixon’s office declined to say whether it would seek a court order requiring the governor to follow state law on government e-mail. Nixon spokesman Scott Holste on Wednesday declined to say whether the office would pursue legal action. Read more…



Tags: Decision '08 · Sen. Michael Gibbons

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