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TipLine: Bond’s In State Director Fired? | Missouri Political News Service

TipLine: Bond’s In State Director Fired?

October 22nd, 2007 by mopns · No Comments

An email to the Missouri Political News Service over the weekend proclaims that long time Bond aide Jason Van Eaton, was unexpectedly terminated as Senator Bond’s in state director. The email went on to say that the staff was told of Van Eaton’s departure in a hastily arranged conference call near the end of the business day last Friday. It also said that Matthew Roney, another long time aide, was leaving as well. The tipster could not confirm if Roney left on his own accord or was forced out as well. The anonymous writer speculates that the senior Senator was not too pleased with Van Eaton when he heard rumors that Van Eaton was potentially soliciting clients for a future Lobbying business. MOPNS will continue to investigate.



Tags: J. Jonah Jameson · Jason Van Eaton · Senator. Kit Bond

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