"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." -- Mahatma Gandhi
What!!! Nobody Takes the STL American Serious. Imagine That! | Missouri Political News Service

What!!! Nobody Takes the STL American Serious. Imagine That!

September 24th, 2007 by mopns · No Comments

In last Thursday’s “Political Eye” column in the St. Louis American, Virvus Jones/Chris King are whining like little….well you know what we mean. They are complaining because Rep. Robin Wright Jones didn’t feel obligated to let them know when she was announcing her candidacy for state senate:

State Rep. Robin Wright Jones seems to have forgotten how to communicate with anyone at the St. Louis American. Though the EYE has been mulling over her projected bid for Maida Coleman’s job in the 5th State Senatorial District as long as anyone, we had to read in Dave Drebes’ Missouri Scout Update that she will announce her candidacy on September 25 and use Jim Ross as campaign manager.

From reporting “dirt” on non public figures they get from “senior Republican operatives” to hammering black politicians who are attempting to secure quality educations for inner city children, The American – which has long ago lost any measure of objectivity or fairness in most thinking people’s minds – (maybe it’s because its an African American newspaper with a white editor) has lately become no better than a poorly written, researched, and edited attack blog on newsprint.



Tags: Media Bias

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