"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." -- Mahatma Gandhi
Reverend & Congressman Cleaver Makes Gay Activist “Proud” | Missouri Political News Service

Reverend & Congressman Cleaver Makes Gay Activist “Proud”

September 6th, 2007 by mopns · No Comments

Chris Koster’s defection – along with today’s Blog CCP post – further illustrates that if you are lacking a moral compass, values, or sufficient integrity, then you are right at home in the modern day Democratic Party.

For a refresher, kooky fringe blogs – Blog CCP, K.C. Blue Blog, and Blue Girl/Red State, were falling over themselves last week congratulating themselves on their Missouri Political News Service big scoop. Read all about it here. If you’re at your office, try not to disturb you co-workers as you laugh out loud at these bumbling Inspector Clouseaus’.

Now, after reading the three stooges journalistic exploits, this post will be in much clearer context for you. Stephen Bough writes that he is “tickled pink” (pun intended???) that Congressman Cleaver spoke in favor of HR2015 which gives special rights to homosexuals in the workplace. Bough even mixes in a famous Martin Luther King phrase for good measure:

“Yesterday Congress debated whether you should judge people by the content of their character or if we should discriminate.

To illustrate how pleased he is with Cleaver, he goes on to write, “Cleaver makes me stand up straight and salute the flag proud.” An ordained minister of the Gospel, going against the very tenets of his Bible, makes you “stand up straight and salute the flag proud?” Sad.

Like most uninformed liberals, that only pretend to listen to African Americans when they need our votes, overtly or covertly comparing “gay rights” with our struggle for first class citizenship in the 60’s is highly offensive to most African Americans – whether they are Republican or Democrat.



Tags: Rep. Emanuel Cleaver

0 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Stephen Bough // Sep 7, 2007 at 8:11 am

    Yep, I am proud. Yep, I believe that gay people have rights. Congrats, you are the first person to call me a gay activist. Nope, I do think I have a moral compass. Does your faith or moral upbringing involve insulting people you do not know?

  • 2 Columbia College Online // Sep 28, 2007 at 2:34 am

    I was googling and found your blog looking for Columbia college online, I thought that this post, , was right in line with my own thoughts on the matter.

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