Representatives’ Jeanette Mott Oxford and Jamilah Nashheed demonstrate to us today what happens when your party is in a super minority in the legislature. You co-sponsor highly partisan, symbolic, and dead in the water resolutions to gain attention. Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum were the proud sponsors of a Bush Cheney Impeachment Resolution last session. (HCR46)
podcast interviewIn this podcast interview, Nashheed – the self proclaimed “voice of the voiceless”- says “90%” of her constituents support impeachment of the president and vice-president. The Missouri Political News Service would be very interested in viewing Rep. Nasheed’s poll results.
WARNING: Listening to Mott-Oxford and Nasheed’s socialist, populist rhetoric, and the host waxing nostalgic about his anti-Vietnam protest experiences and his conversion to a “peacenik,” may compel you to either throw your computer, or, have a sudden need to not bathe, wear tye dye t-shirts, and smoke as much pot as your brain can stand.
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