Any story from the liberal Kansas City (Red) Star advocating for bi-partisanship in order to throw out the sitting Republican governor should be looked upon with suspicion. Democrats, including those on the Star’s editorial board, are playing the short ball instead of playing long ball. They are taking a page out of their mentor Saul Alinsky’s book and are using Governor Greitens troubles as an “opportunity they aren’t going to waste” buy calling for the Governor’s resignation or impeachment. They should want a vulnerable Senator McCaskill having a vulnerable Governor Greitens in office and constantly in the news. Threatening to bottle up the House as some Democrats have suggested is again, playing short ball. On another note, it would be equally refeshing if the Star and the Post Dispatch put as much time as they do calling for the Governor’s resignation and impeachment, and put some of that time and resources into the shenanigans going on in the St. Louis Circuit Attorney’s office – which we reported first.
The Marc Cox Show: Audio: Ed Dowd- Attorney for Missouri Governor Eric Greitens
“I Worked In St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner’s Office”
Professional Complaint Filed Against Kim Gardner’s Out of State Firm Investigating Gov. Greitens
Michigan Firm Hired By Kim Gardner Owes Back Taxes; Delinquent On Corporate Filings
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