We guess Congressman Clay forgot or doesn’t care that he has police officers (both black and white) and FBI agents in his congressional district?
In the short term, Clay’s office has been receiving calls from people asking him to take it down. He will not, he said, and Reichert has announced no plans to try to force him to do it. Clay said he has told House colleagues who raised concerns: “You want [an 18-year-old] to get on TV and cry about why his painting is taken down, you can go down that path.” Clay said he had fielded some of the angry calls to his office. Callers told him the painting should be removed and was “hateful.” “I said, ‘Look now, we cannot be selective about people’s constitutional rights. The Supreme Court has said artistic expression is a form of speech, and we cannot abridge freedom of speech.
Picture of the Day: Rep. “Lazy” Clay AWOL at IRS Hearings
Watchdog Group Cites Cong. Clay’s $300k to Sister’s Law Firm
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