That’s a comment St. Louis County Executive Charlie Dooley’s Consiglieri John Temporiti made to a St. Louis County councilman a few years ago. We’ve chronicled the many shady and questionable dealings of Mr. Temporiti and Mr. Dooley (here, here, here, and here) so criticism from us is expected. What’s not expected is this recent criticism form the Carnahan blog.
Polsinelli Shughart law firm announced recently that a host of lawyers, including John Temporiti, paid Rex Sinquefield consultant and former Chairman of the Missouri Democratic Party, was joining their firm. Temporiti was paid almost $50,000 by Sinquefield from November to March through Rex’s Let Voters Decide committee to “provide a Democratic perspective” Read more…
Remaining beholden to the teacher’s unions and keeping black children in terrible schools outweighs party loyalty we guess. Interesting.
KMOX.com: Former Metro CEO says Dooley Adminstration Meddled with Contracts
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