Indeed, it’s been clear for two years now that Democrats’ unpopular health care law hasn’t lived up to the litany of promises they and President Obama made in their push to get the law passed. Though President Obama pledged repeatedly, “If you like your current plan, you will be able to keep it.” But The Wall Street Journal reported, “The law could leave more than half of employers without a grandfathered plan in 2013 . . . .” Obama promised “I will protect Medicare,” but the law cuts hundreds of billions in Medicare funds to pay for its new spending. Obama promised, “This law will lower premiums.” But the CBO estimates that families could be paying $2,100 more per year on premiums under the health care law. Obama claimed the law would “slow the growth of health care costs,” but governmental estimates show federal expenditures on health care would increase under the law.
On and on, promises about protecting federal conscience laws, not raising taxes, broadcasting negotiations on CSPAN, not adding to the deficit, focusing on medical liability reform after leaving it out of the law, and even the bill’s allegedly inevitable popularity have all fallen by the wayside, exposed by the reality of this massively flawed legislation.
STL County Executive Speaks @ “Organizing for America” Healthcare Rally (2009)
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