"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." -- Mahatma Gandhi
"McCaskill's ObamaCare Baggage" Has Steelman Up 10 Points | Missouri Political News Service

“McCaskill’s ObamaCare Baggage” Has Steelman Up 10 Points

March 19th, 2012 by mopns · No Comments

Looks like Claire’s moderate charade is STILL not working!


A new Rasmussen poll shows the Democratic incumbent trailing all three of her potential Republican opponents. According to the poll, Sarah Steelman, a former state treasurer who ran for governor in 2008, boasts a 10-point lead. A month ago, Public Policy Polling had the senator and Ms. Steelman running even.

Since Ms. McCaskill voiced her support last month for the mandate, the conservative super PAC American Crossroads has been running ads slamming her “for following the president over a cliff to champion policies that hurt Missouri families from ObamaCare to wasteful stimulus spending to special-interest bailouts. Now, she’s joining him to insert government into our private lives.” Read more…


Rasmussen Reports: Missouri 2012: Romney, Santorum Lead Obama by Nine



Tags: Senator McCaskill

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