Obama bundler Tom Carnahan
The Democrats have had for years a great scheme going that uses your money to fund their campaigns. A great example is their ardent support for public sector unions. We all know they really don’t give a rip about the “little guy”, it’s all about stealing the poor sap’s money (in the form of union dues) and then funneling that money back to the DNC to fund campaigns. Another great example is chronicled below:
Bloomberg Businessweek:
Obama also reported that the number of fundraisers bringing in at least $50,000 increased to 445, from 351 at the end of September. He named 61 bundlers, supporters who tap their own networks to help generate donations to the campaign, who raised more than $500,000, up from 41 in September. Obama is the only presidential candidate to publicly identify backers who are bundling donations.
New $500,000 bundlers include Bruce Heyman, a managing director of New York-based Goldman Sachs Group Inc.; Tom Carnahan, chairman of Exelon Corp.’s St. Louis-based Wind Capital Group LLC, an alternative-energy company and brother of Missouri Secretary of State Robin Carnahan and U.S. Representative Russ Carnahan. Read more…
Taxpayer subsidies to the tune of $100 million taxpayer dollars goes to Mr. Carnahan’s wind farm, and in return, he gives and raises Obama $500,000. That’s a pretty good return on Obama’s investment if you ask us! Especially when the money you’re giving away is not your own.
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