"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." -- Mahatma Gandhi
Is Steelman The Comeback Kid? | Missouri Political News Service

Is Steelman The Comeback Kid?

September 21st, 2011 by mopns · No Comments

Most observers had given up the Steelman campaign for dead a few months ago. A poll recently conducted by Public Policy Polling shows the former state treasurer with a commanding lead over St. Louis congressman Todd Akin. In a campaign email released this morning, Steelman mentions her opponent by name:

“We won’t be able to fix Washington and put people back to work unless we send new people and start doing things differently in Washington.  We need change from the top down.  While I personally like Todd Akin, his self-proclaimed “go along, get along style” isn’t what we need in the Senate.   I promise to shake up the system and step on a few toes.”


Sarah Steelman has jumped into a lead over Todd Akin for the right to face vulnerable Sen. Claire McCaskill.  She leads him 40-29, with John Brunner at 6%, and 26% undecided.  Akin has not picked up any supporters in the interim; he led Steelman 29-28 four months ago

The difference is that Steelman has reversed Akin’s leads with those who say they are somewhat conservative (36% of the electorate) and moderate (15%).  Akin led with those groups by respective eight- and three-point margins in the previous poll, but Steelman now leads by whopping 21- and 33-point spreads, while also leading by one with the 46% plurality of voters furthest to the right. Read more…

How much of this resurgence is due to Republican primary voters taking a second look at Mrs. Steelman or the fact that the Akin campaign has fallen off the radar screen the last few months?


Sarah Steelman Speaks at Move-on-up.org banquet

[kml_flashembed movie=”http://www.youtube.com/v/Z7wmPvj_O70″ width=”425″ height=”350″ wmode=”transparent” /]



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