Reuters reported yesterday, “Efforts in the U.S. Congress to head off a debt default faced a new hurdle on Wednesday as Democratic leaders called for additional spending to boost the sluggish economy. Democrats’ demand for new stimulus spending is directly at odds with the efforts of negotiators, led by Vice President Joe Biden, who are trying to find trillions of dollars in budget savings as part of a deal that would allow Congress to sign off on new borrowing before the country runs out of money to pay its bills.”
Roll Call writes, “Senate Democrats [are] demanding that new stimulus measures be included in the bipartisan deficit reduction talks led by Vice President Joseph Biden.” Politico notes that the new spending proposals “could include new spending on infrastructure and clean energy.” Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY), a key member of Senate Democrat leadership was didn’t bother to dress up the Democrats’ plans: “This is a stimulus program,” he said, according to Roll Call.
Indeed, it’s amazing that Democrats would actually float the idea of even more stimulus spending after the 2009 stimulus added nearly a trillion dollars to the debt and failed to live up to its promises. President Obama’s economic advisors Christina Romer and Jared Bernstein said the “unemployment rate with … the recovery plan,” would not exceed eight percent. Today, unemployment is at 9.1%. Democrat leaders including Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi all said the stimulus would create between 3.5 and 4 million jobs, but millions of jobs have been lost since then.
In addition to Senate Democrats’ fixation on more government spending, another problem with the debt negotiations is the absence of leadership from President Obama. Where in the world has President Obama been for the past month? What does he propose? What is he willing to do to reduce the debt and avoid the crisis that is building on his watch.
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