"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." -- Mahatma Gandhi
Do You Remember "We Have To Pass The Bill So That You Can Find Out What Is In It?" | Missouri Political News Service

Do You Remember “We Have To Pass The Bill So That You Can Find Out What Is In It?”

June 23rd, 2011 by MarkTwain · No Comments

“[W]e have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it.”

Well, Obamacare passed over a year ago and here is what we’re finding in it!

“President Barack Obama’s health care law would let several million middle-class people get nearly free insurance meant for the poor, a twist government number crunchers say they discovered only after the complex bill was signed.” (AP Exclusive: Medicaid For The Middle Class?” The Associated Press, 6/21/11)

 “Up to 3 million more people could qualify for Medicaid in 2014 as a result of the anomaly. That’s because, in a major change from today, most of their Social Security benefits would no longer be counted as income for determining eligibility. It might be compared to allowing middle-class people to qualify for food stamps.” (AP Exclusive: Medicaid For The Middle Class?” The Associated Press, 6/21/11)

RICHARD FOSTER, Medicare Chief Actuary: “This is a situation that got no attention at all… I don’t generally comment on the pros or cons of policy, but that just doesn’t make sense.” “‘I don’t generally comment on the pros or cons of policy, but that just doesn’t make sense,’ Foster said during a question-and-answer session at a recent professional society meeting. ‘This is a situation that got no attention at all,’ added Foster. ‘And even now, as I raise the issue with various policymakers, people are not rushing to say… we need to do something about this.’” (“AP Exclusive: Medicaid For The Middle Class?” The Associated Press, 6/21/11)

Besides the fact that the Missouri lapdog media gives Jay Nixon a pass on Obama’s controversial policies, have you ever wondered why Jay has been silent on Obamacare? Here’s a few reasons why?

“Governors have been clamoring for relief from Medicaid costs, complaining that federal rules drive up spending and limit state options.” (AP Exclusive: Medicaid For The Middle Class?” The Associated Press, 6/21/11)

“Medicaid is now the biggest single cost of state governments, according to the National Association of State Budget Officers. On average, states spend 22 percent of their budgets on Medicaid, and the percentage is growing. To save their budgets, governors are asking for relief… Medicaid will be the monster that ate the states — and with them, the taxpayers.” (Editorial, “Medicaid Monster: Devouring State Budgets,” The Union Leader, 6/16/11)

“In the absence of major reforms and a robust economic recovery, the potential consequences of the growing state Medicaid squeeze are substantial, experts say. States may slide deeper into the red, affecting bond ratings and making it more difficult for them to borrow. Deep cuts in kindergarten through grade 12 and higher education spending could make recent teacher layoffs seem relatively trivial. Sharp state tax and user fee increases may be inevitable.” (State Budget Crises Mount As Medicaid Rolls Soar,” Kaiser Health News, 9/8/10)


Rasmussen Reports: 53% Favor Repeal of Health Care Law, 49% Say Measure Bad For Country



Tags: Healthcare · Jay Nixon

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