It’s nice to see the presumed Democrat candidate for the Senate finally doing a face to face fundraiser with her Democrat president. With Carnahan lagging in the polls, she needs all the help she can get, and it never hurts to have the president of the United States in town to raise money for you. According to this Wall Street Journal excerpt, the president and his administration have been assisting the Carnahan campaign in other ways besides fundraising:
Wall Street Journal:
Last year, Justice abandoned a case it had pursued for three years against Missouri for failing to clean up its rolls. When filed in 2005, one-third of Missouri counties had more registered voters than voting-age residents. What’s more, Missouri Secretary of State Robin Carnahan, a Democrat who this year is her party’s candidate for a vacant U.S. Senate seat, contended that her office had no obligation to ensure individual counties were complying with the federal law mandating a cleanup of their voter rolls.
The case made slow but steady progress through the courts for more than three years, amid little or no evidence of progress in cleaning up Missouri’s voter rolls. Despite this, Obama Justice saw fit to dismiss the case in March 2009. Curiously, only a month earlier, Ms. Carnahan had announced her Senate candidacy. Missouri has a long and documented history of voter fraud in Democratic-leaning cities such as St. Louis and Kansas City. Ms. Carnahan may now stand to benefit from voter fraud facilitated by the improperly kept voter rolls that she herself allowed to continue. Read more…
Quote(s) of the Day: Carnahan’s ACORN Allies on Voter Fraud
Video: Robin ACORNahan: “I Don’t Have Any Ties to ACORN”
Video: Robin Carnahan and ACORN: The Revolving Door Continues
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1 Former_Democrat // Jul 8, 2010 at 10:41 am
They can’t win legally, so they do it by hook or crook, literally.
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