"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." -- Mahatma Gandhi
GOP's 'Weakest' Candidate's Lead Widens Over Carnahan | Missouri Political News Service

GOP’s ‘Weakest’ Candidate’s Lead Widens Over Carnahan

May 10th, 2010 by sclemons · No Comments

“A term of derision often uttered by Bugs Bunny when referring to an interaction with a dopey adversary. It is a mispronunciation of the word “Moron” –Urban Dictionary

FiredUp Misssouri is so hell bent on deriding Roy Blunt in every other post they write, that their latest post on him makes them look like a bunch of maroons in our humble opinion! If Congressman Blunt is the “weakest” of the GOP candidates nationwide, (as the Democrat leaning Public Policy Polling states) then what does it say about your candidate Robin Carnahan – who every time a poll is conducted – seems to be losing more and more ground to Mr. Blunt?


Little has changed this month in Missouri’s race for U.S. Senate, but Republican Congressman Roy Blunt now earns 50% support for the first time against Democrat Robin Carnahan. Read more…


RedState.com: Poor Robin Carnahan. It was *not* a good week for her.

Patrick Tuohey’s Blog: A Campaign Even a Mother Couldn’t Love

TMR: Is Bailout Blunt the Leader We Want?



Tags: Carnahans' · Rep. Roy Blunt

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